At Akonic SA, you will not only be able to find digital electroencephalographs, but many other digital equipment, among which are the following:
The BIO-PC is the most powerful system. Its technical specifications are:
Electrical safety according to EN60601-1 standards.
Required operating system:
Windows XP/NT/2000/Vista/Seven/Windows 8.
System caracteristics:
Input impedance: > 20 MOhm.
Hardware low frequency filter: 0.5 Hz.
Hardware high frequency filter: 100 Hz.
Hardware Notch Filter: 50/60 Hz.
Digital Low/High/Notch Filter: User selectable.
Sensitivity: 1 to 128 µV/mm. User selectable.
CMRR: > 100 dB a 50/60 Hz.
Input impedance: > 20 MOhm.
Low/High/Notch Filters: User selectable.
Hardware low frequency filter (Hz): 0.15 - 0.5 - 1.5 - 5 - 10 - 30 - 100 - 300.
Hardware high frequency filter (Hz): 10000 - 5000 - 3000 - 2000 - 1000 - 300 - 100 - 30.
Hardware Notch Filter: 50/60 Hz.
Sensitivity (µV): User selectable.
CMRR: > 100 dB a 50/60 Hz.
Input impedance: > 20 MOhm.
Hardware low frequency filter: 0.15 Hz.
Hardware high frequency filter: 25 Hz.
Hardware Notch Filter: 50/60 Hz.
Sensitivity: 1/128 µV/mm. User selectable.
CMRR: > 100 dB a 50/60 Hz.
Input impedance: > 20 MOhm.
Hardware low frequency filter: 0.07 Hz.
Hardware high frequency filter: 100 Hz.
Hardware Notch Filter: 50/60 Hz.
Low/High/Notch Digital Filters: User selectable.
Sensitivity (max): 50 µV/mm. User selectable.
CMRR: > 100 dB a 50/60 Hz.
Input impedance: > 20 MOhm.
Hardware low frequency filter: 15 Hz.
Hardware high frequency filter: 300 Hz.
Hardware Notch Filter: 50/60 Hz.
Sensitivity: 1/128 µV/mm. User selectable.
CMRR: > 100 dB a 50/60 Hz.
Use: oximetry / pH / CPAP pressure / other DC signals.
Input impedance: 220 KOhm.
Hardware low frequency filter: DC.
Hardware high frequency filter: 70 Hz.
Low/High/Notch Digital Filters: User selectable.
Maximum input voltage: ±4 volts.
Input Voltage Range: User Selectable.
You can download the brochure by clicking here.
The NeuroTrace - mini PC is the most practical system. It is a modern and effective equipment for electroencephalography, video EEG/PSG, brain topographic mapping, polysomnography and Holter studies. The NeuroTrace model was created in order to improve the quality of work and at the same time facilitate its transfer, due to its reduced dimensions and low weight.
The technical specifications of the NeuroTrace - mini PC system are:
Required operating system:
System caracteristics:
Auxiliary channels (1: EKG - 2: FA - 3: BELT1 - 4: BELT2 - 5: MIC):
Auxiliary channels (6: EMG1 - 7: EMG2 - 8: EMG3 - 9: EMG4):
Ext1 - Ext2 channels:
SLD USB photo stimulator:
Photo stimulator SLD-W:
Thermistor Airflow Sensor (ATS):
Airflow Pressure Sensor (APS):
You can download the brochure by clicking here.
The software with which these teams work are:
PE V11 software is a Windows based software for data acquisition, analysis and reporting. Their characteristics are:
Required operating system:
Required hardware:
Software Features:
Full PE Tests:
Technical specifications:
Available applications:
You can download the brochure by clicking here.
Electromyography V10 Software is a Windows based software for data acquisition, analysis and reporting. Their characteristics are:
Required operating system:
Required hardware:
Software Features:
Complete EMG Tests:
Technical specifications:
Transcranial stimulator:
electrical stimulator:
Low current stimulator:
Available applications:
You can download the brochure by clicking here.
Electroencephalography Software V12 (EEG V12) is Windows based software for data acquisition, analysis and reporting. Their characteristics are:
Required operating system:
Required hardware:
Software Features:
Technical specifications:
Available applications:
You can download the brochure by clicking here.
V12 Topographic Brain Mapping Software is Windows based analysis and reporting software. Their characteristics are:
Required operating system:
Required hardware:
Required software:
Software Features:
absolute power.
Relative power per band.
Relative power per channel.
Relative amplitude per channel.
Polysomnography Software V12 (PSG V12) is Windows based software for data acquisition, analysis and reporting. Their characteristics are:
Required operating system:
Required hardware:
Software Features:
Technical specifications:
Available applications:
Electroencephalography Software V11 (EEG V11) is Windows based software for data acquisition, analysis and reporting. Their characteristics are:
Required operating system:
Required hardware:
Software Features:
Technical specifications:
Available applications:
Topographic brain mapping (qEEG).
FFT analysis.
Digital video monitoring of EEG/PSG.
Event related potentials.
Evoked potentials.
Steady state.
Ambulatory Holter EEG.
You can download the brochure by clicking here.
V11 Topographic Brain Mapping Software is Windows based software for data acquisition, analysis and reporting. Their characteristics are:
Required operating system:
Required hardware:
Required software:
Software Features:
absolute power.
Relative power per band.
Relative power per channel.
Relative amplitude per channel.
Polysomnography Software V11 (PSG V11) is Windows based software for data acquisition, analysis and reporting. Their characteristics are:
Required operating system:
Required hardware:
Software Features:
User manual presented in .pdf format.
Technical specifications:
Available applications:
EEG / PSG V11 / V12 video software is Windows based multimedia software. Their characteristics are:
Required operating system:
Software Features: